Sunday, September 28, 2014

short love note

you don't need someone to complete you, you need someone to accept you completely instead.

it's been half of the years from the moment we met and i still wanted to walk the rest of the journey with this man, without a doubt.

dear 小庆,

           i thank you for being so patience with me whenever i throw my bad temper on you, i thank you for being so considerate whenever i rant about the little thing, i thank you for being so understanding whenever everyone out there does not get the picture right, and most of all, i thank you for giving me your heart and having faith in me, for all these whiles.

           being in love with you is the happiest thing that i've ever done. you might question me with those past relationships of mine. yes, of course, i was happy with them too. but you tend to forget about the fact that, i am the happiest woman because of you. you are the one who could do that, the only one. so let's forget the past and create our memories instead :)

           i am letting the flow to run away so i guess i will stop here :p whatever it is, just remember that,

i adore you, forever

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